
Rain rain go away...

Today is one of our last rainy Sundays in Portland for the summer. We are--as we so often are-- camped out at my sister Kate and her husband Phil's house; Jeremy...

...alternately working on his final print project and browsing the web for camera goods and me...

...trying to comprehend the eccentricities of photoshop (cursed of all programs) and studying up for my skills test on Tuesday.

It's been so long since the last post. School demands have gotten the better of me; we have still been doing fun things though. Last weekend Jeremy and I went to the annual IPD garage sale... which is basically a Volvo specialist company that puts on a car show and discounts their merchandise for the weekend. I have to say it marks a change in my appreciation for Jeremy's pet project. So we went and looked at all the pretty Volvos and purchased a new muffler system... Here's a sampling of the smorgasbord:

and a picture of our own excellent cragon-wagon:

This weekend Jeremy and I went to the Zoo on the morning of what ended up being a rather nice (sunny) Saturday. They had a fun dinosaur exhibit (almost real life quality. ha.) and a cute bird show too. Mostly Jeremy took video footage of the animals, so we only got one amazing picture of me mimicking the pose of a prehistoric statue.

It was a great little excursion, though I have to say when nap time rolled around I was more than ready to give up my plans of motherhood... I saw more than one fit of furious rage come from the masses of toddlers gathered. I don't think it's very nice of parents to bring their kids to the zoo on a hot crowded day.

My sister and I sang a special and helped lead worship in the Branches church today. A week ago today marked my final gig with Tiffany. Another girl she's been playing with, Melanie Rae, joined us so we had three part harmonies, which is always fun. Here's a picture of the three of us...

...and a little video of one of my songs.

(The sound is really rough, but it's documentation anyway.)

That pretty much concludes the general highlights of our life lately. Tomorrow being a holiday, me might cruise over to the coast with Kate and Phil if the weather doesn't look too ugly. We're really looking forward to heading back down to Southern Oregon for the summer. Jeremy has some construction jobs lined up with his dad and I have a job doing trail maintenance up at Crater Lake. Both of us have plans that involve a boat and a board.

And wow, we're so ready for the Southern Oregon sunshine.


The Fab New Fad...

Anyone who's anyone has heard the change in the winds... Denver stepped out of his no-spam box and filled out a renowned-so-not-cool forward, and Jocelyn posted it on her blog... now EVERYONE wants to jump out of the box... including Thing 1. and Thing 2. (Carrie and Jeremy)... who will now answer the following questions 1. and 2., respectively.

Two Names You Go By:
1. her majesty
2. The love monkey... (which makes a good band name, "her majesty and the love monkey")
Two Things You are Wearing Right Now:
1. cords
2. a six month beard
Two things you expect in a relationship
1. ...a six month beard
2. not a whole lot
Two of Your Favorite Things to do
1. music
2. carrie
Two Things You Want Very Badly at the Moment:
1. to brush my teeth
2. I would say... heh heh heh.....eerrhhhmm!
Two pets you had/have:
1. Once I had a goldfish named Nitch
2. I currently have a beard lice farm I'm raising
Two people you know will fill this out
1. Hannah?
2. skip that one
Two Things You Did Last Night
1. drank hard cider at mcmenamins
Two Things You Ate Last Night:
1. Chicken Parmesean
2. A Burgalur
Two People you Talked With Last Night
1. Kate... about Phil and Andy and Jeremy and GTA
2. Phil and Andy... about GTA.
Two Things You're Doing Tomorrow:
1. My homework. Really.
2. shave my beard. (carrie laughs)
Two Longest Car Rides:
1. Oregon to mid-Mexico
2. San Fransisco to Anchorage Alaska (with six people and two dogs in one van)
Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Christmas
2. My Birthday
Favorite Beverages:
1. Javajavajavajavajava....
2. the juice of cows

While we were at this game of stupid surveys, we both took the "super-hero test" to find out which super hero we were:

is The Flash

The Flash
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

is Iron Man

Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Inventor. Businessman. Genius.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

Thats all for today folks, this is your friendly reporter...

Back to you, Denver :)



One of Jeremy's classes this term is printmaking, which is a really clean art form, that is super cool. Jeremy also happens to be really good at it because he's very detail oriented. Here ar ea couple of his most recent ones he did:

Old-style Reel Camera

'67 Dodge Charger

Next week he's creating a couple more prints, this time to put on t-shirts... He's going to make some for me too :)