
A Post on Hawaii

It has recently come to my attention how fun it is to browse through other people's blogs, and to witness from afar the daily happenings of their lives-- especially when they live in Switzerland or Alaska or Virginia-- So even though Jeremy and I live in Oregon, I though I'd start one up too. That was last October. And then a lot of other things happened and I forgot to post about all of them. I suppose the most documented episode in that gap of time was our trip to Hawaii with Jeremy's family, over Christmas Break. So I'll post a few of those pictures.

(a nice 30 fit jump) Venus Pool, Maui Hawaii

Jeremy sunning at Venus Pool

The Family .... and some bamboo-climbing Wildlife

A 100 ft water fall (with a name I forgot) ... and a pool at the bottom

We did a lot more stuff, and took a lot more pictures, but it happened so long ago I'm not sure I could summon up the energy to give a commentary on it all. This will have to suffice for now.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

yes...it is fun seeing pictures of old friends...especially when they live far away, so keep the photos and updates coming :)
I cant believe I didnt tell you I was pregnant again, lol. im sorry. I feel like I have been constantly pregnant the past few years - it all runs together :) but I LOVE it!!! and love my girls!!! cant wait to see what this next one is. miss you!!
you up to anything new? hugs!