

Good News! This morning, at 8am, Jeremy had his last art final critique for the term. He showed his amazing much larger than life roll-of-film sculpture.

I make fun, but it's actually really cool.

All of his art projects for the term are still at school. I'll try to take some pictures and post them sometime soon. My last final is Thursday morning, and then we are blowing this joint and heading for fresh air and family.

Meanwhile our home for the previous 9 months is in complete disarray. I was going to take pictures of our second home to remember it by, before I tore it all apart. Unfortunately, just as is what happened with our first home, I forgot before I had done too much damage to properly document the place. So instead, here's some pictures of the mess:

Now, If I had a cool critical eye on the media, (here-to-fore known as carrie's blog and pictures) I would notice the large amounts of product placement in the above pictures. Notice: the Hefty bags. And all sorts of hard alcoholic beverages which Jeremy and I did not personally imbibe.

Maybe I'm a freak of nature, but I kind of like the whole moving process. Well. I like the packing process. I like to dig into the inner-most recesses of cupboards and closets, dig out the junk that was hiding in the dark and put it in its place. If that place happens to be the trash, all the better. Throw it away! Organize it! Put it in boxes! Lets Clean! Clean! Clean!

...The part I do not love, is deep cleaning yucky crevaces with mold in them. The other part I do not love is fighting with Jeremy about how to go about packing a vehicle. An excellent trait I got from my beloved father. :D

Jeremy also has been making trips to the local u-pull: the very place he found the volvo window to replace our own broken one earlier this spring. He made one trip this morning to find a Isuzu Trooper window to replace the one his smashed last winter trying to tow brother-in-law Philip out of the snowbank.
... What I love most about that last sentence is that if (and when) the two men in question read that statement they would/will both have adendums to add. Silly men. You got stuck in a snowbank. You broke your window. There's nothing else to say.

Returning to subject at hand. Jeremy is currently off on his second trip to the u-pull today, because his first trip he didn't have the proper tools to go about removing said window. He did however purchase a stereo from a kid hawking them in the u-pull parking lot. It could very well have been the very kid who broke our window and stole our old stereo; Jeremy said he had a suspicious amount of stereos and sound systems in the back of his vehicle. So Jeremy bought one for 30 dollars, but since he didn't have cash, offered to put thirty dollars of gas in the kids tank. It was accepted.

At least we wern't directly funding anyone's drug habits.


J said...

Carrie! I love the blue chairs! ...and Hefty bags, of course -use them all the time, since your blog advertised them. ;)

Are you two moving south or just around P-town?

Chelsea said...

You guys should keep writing so we can keep up on all the happenings. Hope your move went well, i'm sure you aren't having any fun so far away from us.