
So Long Sweet Summer...

A return at last to blog world. There are no pictures for this entry, that I will tell you immediately. But there will be soon. Jeremy purchased his much desired 40D canon this summer and spent many of his afternoons, evenings and weekends photographing southern Oregon wildlife in their natural habitat. He also documented our many happy summer family reunion, camping, swimming and hiking events. I'll try to upload a healthy smattering of all of these pleasant things asap.

Meanwhile, here is a mini update: Jeremy and I are back in our second place of habitation, the rainy town of Portland. This time we are renting an apartment in a cool old Victorian house a block from PSU campus, and across the street (help us all) from McMinnimins. This location is much more convenient than last year's, so we are pleased.

We are happy to have Tyler and Kelsey (my brother and his wife) living up here too this year. They live in Scappoose, where Kate and Phil live too, so Jerms and I spend a lot of time out there. Jeremy and I were also asked to help out with Branches church youth group that just started up last week, Venue. We happily accepted and are excited to become a part of that on Saturday evenings.

As far as schooling goes, I am continuing to make headway on my graphic design degree, and will most likely graduate Spring '10. Jeremy is still taking art classes and is putting out his feelers for either transfering to PNCA to get a specific photography degree or switching majors at PSU with an applied arts degree (...a new degree PSU came up with for photography). Happy!

Since there's probably no one still reading this, I'll sign off until I have some visual candy to tempt and please the peoples eyes.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

oh finally!!! I have been waiting for you to update your blog :) so please keep it updated. just for little old me :) i love hearing about your life. its fun :)