
And we're back...

Above: a pretty little trail we found Sunday

Here we are at the end of our first weekend of the final term of our first year at PSU. Three cheers for firsts and lasts. I found out last week that my Spring classes are going to require a lot of rather involved homework assignments, so even with Fridays off, weekends are going to be rather work-intensive. However, thanks to Jeremy, I'm sure i won't spend the whole time indoors slaving away. This weekend we went hiking in the gorge not once, but twice, and he's already got a backpacking trip planned for next weekend. With no further a-do, I give you this weekends sights and scenes.

Above: a wee field mouse we spotted out trotting about in the sunshine.
(Yes, of course Jeremy tried to catch it.)

Above: A waterfall (Horsetail falls... we finally found it...) for which to walk behind

Above: A Choo choo.

Above: A chopper. Jeremy's dad, Craig used to fly one of these on Navy search and rescue missions. We saw three!

Above: A pretty little spring flower. Jeremy told me, but I forgot the name.

Above: a raging river careening down to the gorge (quite a lot of snow melt)

And that concludes the sampling our this weekends adventures... and now, sense it's actually Monday and I am just now posting this, back to the grind.

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