After homework, chores and a yummy coffee cake, we went on a hike today up at Angels Rest. It's getting so pretty around here. All kinds of new bright green flora and a healthy first little batch of fauna; bumble bees, butterflies, bunnies and more.
The first surprise of the day came in the form of a pile of creepy garter snakes. Ugh. No matter how well I know in my logical adult mind that these snakes are harmless, I always jump when I see them. And looking at the pictures gives me goosebumps and the inability to leave my feet on the ground. Go figure. You can view a couple of them below:
Reasons for why they were in a pile may possibley include a) sunning themselves and b)the event of a mating ball. Though they slithered off when we started taking pictures of them, by the time we hiked back down they were relocated.
Above is a little bunny rabbit who hopped across our path
From the top we could see several little sailboats taking advantage of the sunshine
There were also some vultures circling around nearby looking for booty
Our hike was ended with one more surprise. This one brought on by a human version of vultures, whose booty today happened to be our stereo. Ours was one of two cars with smashed windows. Documentation of our poor injured Volvo:
Such a bummer. We reported it to the police, and both they and other hikers we encountered informed us that this stuff-- people breaking into cars for stuff to hawk for drug money--is getting more and more common out I-84, along the Gorge. Ironically enough, the Oregonian published an article on the problem today.Too many travelors, not enough seeing eyes.
love all the beautiful scenery!!
your car is sweet...sorry about the smashed window :( i hope it gets paid for and fixed.
this world is getting to be a pretty crazy place.
Errg. That makes my stomach sick. Lovely hike though! You guys have a knack for finding sweet foresty spots.
Man, I'm so sorry that they broke into your car! Argh. I'm glad they didn't steal your car, though. Why do you think they took your car keys but not the car? Hey, did you get my letter, Care?
those jerks, make them give it back or else we'll have to beat them up. so there.
other then those words of helpful advice your hike looked so very delightful.
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