
Sunday's Gig

As some of you may know, I (Carrie) have been playing gigs pretty regularly with another acoustic singer/songwriter, Tiffany Carlson. She's from Oregon City, and we do most of our gigs there (only 25 min from our house) since she already had her foot in the door in a couple places when I first moved up. Last weekend we played at a fun little pub called The Highland Stillhouse, where we play every third Sunday of the month. Here's some pictures from the night.

Tomorrow, (Thursday) we have a gig at a place called The Eastburn, at 9pm. Its a little more downtown Portland, and its shorter, so Jeremy is going to come too. (He doesn't usually hang out for the three hours most gigs are.) Also I've informed Kate that she and Phil and any Scappoosian gang that wants to come should... anyone else from around here who might happen to read my blog (Tanya Kangas or Jocelyn Little) should come too!


Tanya Kangas said...

Hi Carrie, Thanks for posting about your gig. That sounds like a lot of fun! If we can somehow get babysitting that late, we'll be there! Not counting on it, but maybe. Hopefully we'll get to come hear you soon.

J said...

Ah, Carrie, I can't come... I already have a commitment for that night. :(

Best of luck to you!

And let me know when you're doing your next "gig" and I'd love to hang out and hear you play!

Hannah said...

i wish i could come. poo. looks fun!

oh and to answer your question about the baby - my belly is bigger this time around, yes. all the stretched out muscles, i think :)

Andrew Kangas said...

I went (despite only being referenced as a vague "scappoosian".) It was good. Nice singing indeed.